Friday, March 14, 2003

Oh Boy

There's not a lot of joy around today. Now that my dad's funeral and the aftermath is over, my mother finally got into the senior health center for the evaluation we've been trying to get on her for months, and the diagnosis came back as Alzheimers. My mother is violently expressing her disagreement with the whole idea, and her disgust with most of us kids. The funny (?) part was that she announced to everyone a couple of times today that "Judy" would take her in and that she needed to come and help me. I needed her. Oh boy...

When I told that to my nurse, Ann, who called this afternoon, she said my doctor forbids it and so does she. I can even have a doctor's note if I need one. Jack is ready to stand guard at my door. My knight-in-shining-armor.

God protect me from my mother, and let's all pray for an early resolution to the "where's mom going" problem. There are several good places that they have visited and only need to pick between. Well, that and actually get my mother there. My brothers and their wives who are on the front lines have my everlasting respect and gratitude. The battle is still raging.